- We began a new series, Baggage, yesterday - great response - looking forward to part 2 next week.
- Had a lot of fun teaching Discover Forest Park last Sunday evening - 20 people signed up to become partners with us at FPC - really exciting!
- Baptism next Sunday afternoon at the Suttons - if you want to be baptized, sign up - if you want to come and celebrate with others, sign up and bring some food - if you need suggestions about what to bring, call me.
- Fall Community Groups begin next week - really pumped about this - over 190 people have signed up to be a part of a group - wow! It's going to be a great year for groups. We have a few still open - get in one, if at all possible!
- Great job Brian Sabin for getting all the online and onsite sign-ups running so smoothly - you are the man!
- I will enjoy taking Labor Day off and spending it with my family - one of my favorite things to do - ever.
- I've been reading some great books recently - I've finished up Has Christianity Failed You by Ravi Zacharias, I'm finishing Beautiful Boy by David Sheff and just started No One Sees God by Michael Novak.
- Have some interesting sermon series ideas rolling around in my head (trust me, there's plenty of room to roll around in there). Do you have a few ideas? Would love to know what you are thinking.
- We have to do something about getting more room in the 10 a.m. service - yesterday and the Sunday before we were slammed! Still some room in the 8:30 and 11:30 service - how about making the switch?
- Really enjoying Hillsong's newest release, A Beautiful Exchange. Especailly, The Greatness Of Our God - Amber Jones would knock this song out of the park - what do you say, Amber?
- By the way, she did great on Healer yesterday, too. It's easy to preach after hearing singing like that. I've tried it the other way - preaching after bad singing - no fun.
- I know that I've said it a lot recently, but I'm overwhelmed with the love that I've seen poured out at FPC during the last few weeks. The true character of a church is displayed when that church begins to feel pressure and I'm amazed at the character of FPC. Recently, we have had some pain within our body and you guys responded so beautifully - I love you and feel honored to be a part of such a great group of Christ followers.
- Have I ever told you that I love coffee - enjoying a cup right now and just felt overcome with emotion.
- My son, Evan, gets his driving license in about 8 weeks. His skills are good - But I will continue to worry - I can't believe he is old enough to have a driving license - why do some days drag on and on and yet years fly by?
- The whether yesterday (Sunday) was nearly perfect - I love Fall.
- I continue to make new friends - I love that!
- There are some people in my life who have been sent by God just to encourage me and to be on my team - I'm so thankful for each one - you are gifts to me.
- Evan is also providing drum lessons to several kids - pray for Lana and me - where's the Advil?
- Did I mention that school has started up again - for some reason the song, It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year keeps running through my mind.
- Again, if you have friends who are struggling with a lot of baggage in their lives and, at times, they feel as if they are drowning - GET THEM TO FPC NEXT SUNDAY! - sorry, I didn't mean to yell.
- I love you.
Husband, Make Her Shine
5 hours ago
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