- It's been too long since my last post.
- Ecuador was amazing! We saw 8,000 students in Guayaquil, El Recreo and Milagro, our medical team treated nearly 200 people at a local prison and nearly 1,000 people in the city of Milagro. Our construction team finished the building of a medical clinic and handed over the keys to Dr. Leo. Now he can begin treating the children of El Recro. I never cease to be amazed at what a group of committed people can accomplish in only one week.
- Nate Carroll did an incredible job on our recap video. All I had to do was explain what I wanted and how the video should "feel" and he NAILED IT! It was outstanding! Nearly 400 views on Vimeo just last week!!
- We kicked off our new series, Habits, yesterday morning. We began with the habit of prayer. At first, I was concerned with whether or not I would be able to present the subject in a fresh way and inspire people to pray. It turned out much better than expected. I had several very positive comments. It worked, or people were just being nice. Either way, I was pleased with our first week.
- Lana played the keyboards during worship yesterday - great job - her passion for worship was evident. Again, I'm always so proud of Lana - her heart, her attitude, her willingness to go above and beyond in everything. She inspires me.
- While I'm bragging about my family (it is my blog), Evan so impressed me this year while in Ecuador. His heart for people continues to expand. I watched him pray and cry with people. I watched him play with the children. I watched him look for people to encourage and befriend. He gave away his hat. He gave away his soccer ball. Evan is growing into an incredible young man - it's obvious that he has a great mom!
- I had my first Advisory Team meeting last evening. I'm looking forward to meeting with these gentlemen and getting to know each of them much better. I need their prayers, love, support and accountability more than ever. I'm so honored that they are willing to be my friends.
- Community Groups are launching again in just a few weeks. We have about 15 groups that will begin in September/October. If you are not in a group - sign up as soon as possible. I love my group and look forward to meeting each time. The only downside is that we do not meet enough.
- Why do some churches have to be so freaky? I'm serious. I just don't get it. Sometimes I'm embarrassed to be labeled, "Christian".
- For some reason I can't listen enough to Hillsong's, Hold Me Now from their C.D., Faith, Hope and Love. I think that it reminds that all that is happening around is going somewhere - one day God will hold us - makes me long for that day.
- I've been reading several great books recently. Finished up, Better, A Jesuit's Guide to Almost Everything and Mere Churchianity. Almost finished with The Lost Message of Jesus and Checklist Manifesto. Great, great reading.
- I have many decisions to make - need your prayers.
- I believe that I laughed harder and more in Ecuador than I have in a long time. Of course that is not difficult when you hang out with Dave Marcais.
- I'm looking forward to vacation.
- Corinth Baptist Church gave our outreach team $1,500 for Ecuador 2011 - I'm so thankful and honored that they would be willing to invest in what do each year.
- Special thanks to everyone who filled in and made everything "work" while Lana, I and so many others were in South America. You guys know who you are and you did an outstanding job.
- With churches partnering with us from Alabama, Texas, California and several in North Carolina - Ecuador '11 may blow all of our minds!
- We're considering adding a Sunday evening service - a little different than the Sunday morning - longer worship set, Q and A after the message - possibly tables in the auditorium - what do you think?
- I wonder what chapter 2 of Forest Park Church holds - are you curious?
- I am.
Husband, Make Her Shine
5 hours ago
Sunday evening service sounds fantastic!