- I have never been more proud to lead FPC than I was today. The band did outstanding - Dale J. with the vocals and Bob C. with the musicians - WOW! Then to be able to interview Dr. Leo and just listen to his heart - I am humbled.
- I had so many comments following the services today that confirm that we are on the right track and doing exactly what God has gifted us to do.
- The ladies sang Mighty To Save in Spanish today - amazing - thank you!
- We had over 600 people today - I continue to be amazed. The new auditorium will come sooner than I thought.
- After the 3rd service today we took Dr. Leo and Rina to lunch - about 40 people joined us - it was so much fun!
- FPC's Women of Worth group purchased Dr. Leo's wife, Rina, several gifts and presented them to her after lunch. Rina was overwhelmed! I wish all of you could have heard her response.
- Needless to say, Ecuador 2010 will be amazing - if you are considering going, be at the meeting next Sunday afternoon at 4.
- Lana's parents joined us at FPC today - always good to have our family here - I am so blessed to have a wonderful mother and father-in-law.
- Our next series, Epidemic, begins the first Sunday in February - it will be a challenging series for us - I am excited to present it - but I'm nervous.
- Tony Klepper has joined our staff - he will be directing and leading our spiritual growth process. We have needed this position for a long time - we are honored to have Tony lead along side of us. He is a gift.
- I just started using Carbonite to back up all my files online - loving it. I have lost too many important documents on my computers to not be protected.
- Last Sunday afternoon we presented Discover Forest Park - the room was packed, the food was great, the friendships were better. Afterward, we had 14 new members join FPC! Always fun partnering with new people.
- Financial Peace University begins in mid-February. If you have never taken FPU, do it! The material within these classes will revolutionize your financial life.
- My dog needs grooming. I don't know how he sees where he's going.
- We have over 20 people going to the Unleash Conference at Newspring Church in March - I cannot wait! It is one of the highlights of my year.
- Thinking a lot about Easter this year - we have an incredible opportunity to impact many people for Christ - thinking and praying about what series we will do - any thoughts?
- As soon as the ground dries we will have the concrete poured for the pavilion and the outreach building. Joe Benton is doing a great job getting it completed. Unfortunately, the rain has slowed him down. We need some sun and warmth!
- We will be hiring a Pastor of Children's Ministry in the near future - make it a matter of prayer - we want just the right person to take our children's ministry to the next level.
- We have so many ideas for outreach throughout the Elizabeth City area. Last week I met with Lisa Meads about a variety of ideas, I also met the Brian Sabin about another amazing idea, Michele Adlon and Vicky Braddy presented a third idea - 2010 will be the greatest year FPC has ever experienced.
- Go Colts!
- I think Chris Eure needs to regrow his beard - just saying.
- I know that I say it a lot but I love my wife. She is so good to me. She is my hero!
- I know that I say this a lot, as well, but our volunteers are amazing - we could never reach the people we do without every greeter, nursery volunteer, kiosk attendant, techs, camera people, etc. You guys make it all happen.
- Winter Jam next Sunday - only $10!
- I love you and I pray for you everyday.
- Pray for me.
Husband, Make Her Shine
5 hours ago
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