- Our band did an amazing job today - "Promised Land" - great way to launch the service!
- All three services were almost full - well over 500 today!
- One thing this series has taught me . . . I am richer than I care to admit; therefore, I have a greater responsibility.
- Brian Sabin has assumed a volunteer staff role as "Director of Technical Communications". Everything Brian does has the mark of excellence. We are honored to have Brian serve with us. He will make us all better.
- Lana is in California this week - pray for me!
- Thanks to Kate, we now have new and improved coffee in the lobby - the world just keeps getting better and better.
- I get more impressed with Evan's drumming each time he plays - now he has begun to give drum lessons to kids here at our home - he has two lined up for tomorrow - Advil, here I come.
- My dog needs grooming. I don't know how he sees where he's going.
- I'm so thankful for our volunteers at FPC. Each week, they step up and lead with excellence. There is no way that we could impact the people we do without each one.
- Special thanks to Ty DeHart who fixed our banner outside. It always amazes me when people know how to actually use a hammer, level, shovel, etc. Not me. If I can't read it or cook it, I'm lost.
- Dr. Leo and his lovely wife from Ecuador will be with us next week and speaking in all three services on the 24th. Lana and I are so excited.
- Snow already! If not, let's see some sunshine and warmth.
- Lana is in California this week - pray for me.
- Do you have questions about Forest Park? If so, Discovering Forest Park is next Sunday from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. - a full meal and child-care are provided. Register if you haven't already.
- If the weather permits, you should see the concrete for our pavilion and outreach center poured this week. The buildings will start going up in just a few weeks.
- When will working out at the "Y" become fun? People tell me that eventually it gets easier. Liars! Every minute seems like an hour. Sorry, but I hate it. I mean "hate" in the most Christian of ways.
- The series, How to Be Rich, is challenging for me. Unfortunately, I'm not as generous as I once thought. What about you?
- I just finished reading, "Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger". Wow!
- I just began reading, "The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs". I got a lot to learn about communicating more clearly - I'm just saying.
- Lana is in California this week - pray for me.
- Forest Park Church has over 700 friends on Facebook!
- There are so many hurting people within FPC - sometimes the needs seem overwhelming - I know that we can't meet all the needs - but I just feel so inadequate.
- I'm a "blessed" man - I have great kids, an incredible wife and faithful friends. What else do I need?
- Lana shared a quote with me this week, it goes something like this, "There will always be people who say negative things about you; just live your life so that no one believes it." Love it!!!
- The interview with Satan was great this morning, huh? If you weren't there . . . no, we didn't interview your spouse or mother-in-law.
- Our next series is going to challenge you like crazy - I haven't titled it yet, but it's coming!
- Lana is in California this week - pray for me.
Husband, Make Her Shine
5 hours ago
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