- It's been too long since I've been here.
- Started a new series at FPC yesterday - Making Love Last - pumped about this series - I'm hopeful that it will challenge and inspire many people, whether married, single or dating.
- A few decisions will be made this week that will help FPC have more room and be able to impact more people - very exciting!
- Discover Forest Park was amazing last Sunday evening - over 60 students, with more than 30 partnering with FPC. I look forward to getting to know each new partner.
- I love meeting new people and making new friends!
- Evan (my son) turned 18 last week and will graduate high school this year - how is that possible? Yesterday he was in 5th grade!
- Our Ecuador Discovery Meeting is tonight! 2012 will mark 11 years of God's faithfulness - I love taking new people with us - I love seeing our friends in Ecuador - I love seeing what God is doing around our world.
- I'm halfway through a book titled, God is Red: The secret story of how Christianity survived and flourished in communist China. It is difficult to process the persecution of Christians around our world. I honestly don't how I would respond if I had to face what so many Christians in China have faced. Wow!
- Every Sunday I am proud of the FPC Worship Team. Amber is doing an incredible job of leading our band each week - way to go, Amber!
- Also, Tim Chappell has stepped up and began to lead our students so well. Tim is hungry to learn, has one of the best attitudes and he is teachable - a great combination!
- Myraida has introduced new music and teaching to our kids in Adventure Park - she is learning and growing every week - Proud of Myraida!
- I could go on and on about our staff and volunteers. I am honored and humbled every week to work with such an incredible team of people. I love you!
- I keep hearing many great reports from our Community Groups - my dream is for every person who attends FPC to do life with a group a friends. You can't do life alone!
- Circles are better than rows!
- Love is greater than fear!
- Serving is better than being served!
- Pastor Mendoza (from Ecuador) was with us for a few days last week. I love that man! He is such a humble leader. He loves God with a passion. Pastor Mendoza said that he could sense unity within our church/team - greater than before - he is amazingly perceptive.
- I'm ready for spring!
- I'm ready for the Unleash Conference in Anderson, SC - taking our staff and a bunch of volunteers with us.
- Sometimes I laugh when I hear someone repeat a silly comment/rumor about FPC. I'll have to do a post just on the rumors that float around Elizabeth City - (it would probably take a book, rather than a post).
- Have you ever noticed that most religious people rarely complain when the church excludes people, but only when the church includes people. Why is that? "For God so LOVED THE WORLD . . ." (John 3:16).
- Jesus and His message: radical then . . . radical now. Jesus and His message: the same yesterday, today and forever!
- Love you.
Husband, Make Her Shine
4 hours ago
Always enjoy your blogs Scott! Keep 'em coming...it helps us understand your heart, your goals, your decisions!