- Another Great Sunday!
- Community Group was so much fun this evening - I can't wait to go back.
- Amber Jones said that her banana pudding was sugar-free - I've had sugar-free banana pudding and that was not sugar-free! I love you Amber but I don't appreciate being lied to - it was just too good!
- Bob C. is doing a wonderful job on our new video announcements - they look better every week - today was the best yet - great job!
- Our video recording of the services are getting better too - thanks Brian Sabin and Britney Luton - you guys are priceless to FPC.
- We're getting a few new lights in the auditorium soon - can't wait.
- The new banner looks awesome! Thanks Michele Adlon for getting that ordered.
- I'm confident that the girls cheated at community group this evening - they should have never won that last game of Catch Phrase.
- The message today was challenging to every parent - INCLUDING ME! Now if I can just live out what I preach - PRAY FOR ME.
- Lana and I are going to Cary, NC this coming Saturday to encourage a variety of pastors throughout Eastern North Carolina to partner with us in Ecuador.
- I heard Julie Gregory did an outstanding job representing Ecuador at First United Methodist this evening - several people are interested in going with us - way to go Julie.
- We're getting our drawings completed this week for an outside basketball court, volleyball court, large pavilion and an outreach center - all of it is being built at the FPC campus - it will be exciting to see it completed.
- Several people at FPC need a lot of prayer right now - please remember them every day.
- I had such a good time with my family tonight at community group - it is especially exciting to beat Lana in Catch Phrase - Ashlyn had a chance to play too - always fun to play with my kids.
- I'm still waiting for Chris Eure to cook some brisket - bring it on Chris!
- I'm praying for your family and friends to come to know and follow Jesus - invite them to join us this Sunday.
- I'm pumped about our new series, "You Asked For It!" I need you to post your questions now - we're taking the top 5 questions and we're answering them throughout this series - if you have a question send it to questions@fplive.org. No question is off limits - I want to know what you think - ask!
- After three services this morning and community group tonight - I'm tired.
- I have a really long week ahead - I'm going to bed.
- I love you FPC.
Husband, Make Her Shine
4 hours ago
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear things are going so well at FPC.
I'd like to see those plans for the basketball court & pavilion, and by see, I mean borrow, and by borrow, I mean steal!
Keep up the awesome work!
Love you guys, and thanks again for believing in me.
Chris Stiles