- I had a blast in Williamsburg with my family. We just got back a little while ago - it went too fast. I'm a lucky man!
- I think Lana and I may retire in Williamsburg one day.
- Lana and I will never retire!
- I love crablegs - I ate too many yesterday. But, I could eat them again tonight.
- Our dog, Copper, was thrilled when we got home.
- I have a poodle named Copper and drive a minivan - I'm a family man.
- I loved speaking at Forest Park yesterday morning - I looked forward to all three services.
- The iced coffee in the lobby was incredible - great job Kate!!
- I have the best team of people around me that any pastor could ask for - pray that I lead them well.
- I love my wife - she is beautiful, smart, talented and a woman of God - no, I'm not trying to earn points with her (of course, I will take whatever I can get), she really is that good!
- I'm excited about staff meeting tomorrow. In fact, Tuesday is my new favorite day.
- Forest Park is blessed to have T.J. on staff.
- I just started to read a new book that I didn't want to put down - Missional Renaissance - I think I will have our staff read it together - it's outstanding.
- My son, Evan, is growing up too fast - he's already 2 inches taller than me and much better looking.
- I'm drinking a really good cup of coffee right now - I made it too!
- I'm thinking a lot of Ecuador lately and wondering what is our next level of ministry - I want to do what will make a difference long after I'm gone.
- I'm dreaming some big dreams right now - I dream of the day that FPC reaches 2,000 people in E.C.! I dream of the day that 2,000 kids in Ecuador have their present and future changed as a result of what of FPC does there. Yes, we need a bigger building! Yes, we need more services! Yes, we need more staff! Yes, we need a lot more money! But, we have an incredible God!!
- The series, Beautiful, has impacted a lot of women. No doubt many discussions between husbands and wives have followed each week.
- Next week is going to be amazing - I'm already pumped.
- I haven't got into Face Book just yet. I have an account, I just don't post anything - not sure why.
- Cold Stone is great! The founder's favorite is mine too - great minds think alike.
- Pray for me.
- I love my computer - it's the best one I've ever had.
- I wish I could text as efficiently as my kids.
- I think I'm just now beginning to understand the implications of Jesus' life and teachings - I guess some of us are just slow to learn.
- I have a lot of decisions to make about where FPC should go next and how we should get there.
- Now that I'm almost 40, my staff seems younger everyday.
- I need some really good sleep.
Husband, Make Her Shine
5 hours ago
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